The main purpose of establishing BPES (Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports) was for the upliftment of physical education and health education and to produce the best leaders in society so that we can produce physically fit, mentally alert, and socially outgoing professionals. The Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports (BPES) is an undergraduate degree programme that focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of physical education, sports, and related disciplines. This comprehensive course is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in sports science, physical fitness, coaching techniques, and sports management. The BPES course aims to develop skilled professionals who can contribute to the promotion of physical activity, sports performance enhancement, and overall well-being. Students gain a deep understanding of the scientific principles underlying physical education and sports while also acquiring practical skills necessary for effective coaching, teaching, and management in various sports and fitness settings.
Duration of programme
Level of Study
Physical education is a vast subject that studies the biological, psychological, physical, and nutritional aspects of sports.
It is essentially an interdisciplinary area of inquiry aimed at identifying and knowing all factors that can keep the human body healthy so that it can perform at its best.
Students will learn about the structure and function of the human body, including its major systems and their relevance to physical performance and health.
This subject explores the mechanics of human movement, analysing how forces act upon the body during different physical activities and sports.
Eligibility Criteria
Graduation from recognised institute/ University o...